Military Type Bell & Ross Aviation Replica Watches UK With Khaki Green Dials

Soldiers are the first professional people who regard watches as auxiliary tools for missions. So Bell & Ross launches BR 03 ceramic watches of military type to pay a tribute to soldiers. The watches strictly conform to the military specification. Bell & Ross Aviation fake watches with automatic mechanical movements have 42mm square black ceramic cases. There are four black screws inset on the bezel.


Their hour markers and hands are all covered with white luminescence. The luminescent Arabic numbers are enlarged, offering a good vision for reading. A small date aperture is set at 5 o’clock. There are two red capital letters MT at 7 standing for Military Type. The design of the dials is very simple and neat. And their functions are practical and precise, because they are driven by self-winding mechanical movements.


Bell & Ross copy watches with khaki canvas and black rubber straps have anti-reflective sapphire glasses. They are waterproof to 100m. Their tough styles and reliable functions are attractive to both men and women.

Bell & Ross Vintage Copy Hot Swiss Watches UK With Black Dials For Sale

Vintage collection has a common feature that is the round cases, while the other two collections have square and tonneau cases. Bell & Ross Vintage fake watches with automatic mechanical movements have 47mm satin-brushed steel cases. Their three hands are separated that is a unique design. The minute hand is set in the center and the hour hand is in a sub-dial at 12 o’clock.


Another silver sub-dial at 6 o’clock is used for small seconds. Their minute markers are slender silver indexes. The design of their dials is neat and decent. The steel bezel with an engraved triangle is bidirectional rotating. Their reliable functions are supported by Cal. 316, self-winding mechanical movements. The excellent movements can provide stable and long-lasting power.

bell-ross-black-regulateur-officer-replicaBell & Ross replica watches with black alligator straps have sapphire glasses with anti-reflective coatings, so wearers can see the time clearly in the sunlight. The watches are waterproof to 50m. The timepieces are a perfect combination of mechanical complication and pure simplicity. Their broad dials offer a great vision for wearers and the whole impression is full of aesthetic feelings.

Bell & Ross Marine Replica Professional Diving Watches UK With Rose Gold Bezels For Sale

Marine collection has two major lines. Today, we focus on the line of chronograph functions. Bell & Ross Marine fake watches with black rubber straps are driven by self-winding mechanical movements with date and chronograph functions. The diameter of steel cases with matte black PVD coatings is 44mm. There are rose gold indexes as hour markers.


The Arabic numbers are enlarged and covered with white luminescence at 6 and 12 o’clock. There are also two enlarged white luminescent hands showing the time in the center. A small date aperture is set at 5. Besides, a small seconds sub-dial is at 3 and a 30-minute counter is at 9 o’clock. There is an unidirectional rotating inner bezel with white 60-minute graduated scales used to measure the time with the help of a white chronograph hand in the center.


Bell & Ross copy watches with automatic mechanical movements have anti-reflective sapphire glasses. There is a decompression valve inset on the case. As professional diving watches, they are waterproof to 500m. Their decent and noble designs and reliable functions are the reasons for people to buy.